Choosing Oracle Synonyms

Got into a situation where in a schema I have a table, say an ACTION table, while I got a synonym called ACTION that refers to another table to another schema.

Now when I run the query

select * from ACTION

it will select records from the table, but not a synonym.

Is there anyway for me to choose from synonym AND table together?



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3 answers

I don't think your synonym for ACTION is in the same schema as your ACTION table as this is not allowed in Oracle. Most likely your synonym for ACTION is in a different schema, perhaps it is PUBLIC synonym. If this is the case, you can use

select * from ACTION
select * from public.ACTION




Well, your base ACTION table should be renamed, let's say LOCAL_ACTION.

Suppose your ACTION syntax is on otheruser.LOCAL_ACTION table ...

Then you can override the ACTION synonym:

SELECT * from otheruser.LOCAL_ACTION


Then, at the end, select * from ACTION, you will get a combined list of both tables.



Tables and private synonyms do share the same namespace, so this is a public synonym:

Remember UNION is implicit, different from a result set. You need UNION ALL.

select * from ACTION
union all
select * from public.ACTION




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