What data structure is appropriate for this situation?

I am trying to decide which datastructure to use to store key-value pairs when only the required functionality is needed

  • inserts
  • Search

In particular, I don't need to remove pairs or iterate over keys / values ​​/ pairs.

Keys are whole tuples, values ​​are pointers (links, whatever). I only store a couple million pairs distributed over (many) objects.

I am currently considering using

  • hash table
  • a kd-tree
  • a b-tree

I'm leaning towards a hash table (for insert / lookup times O(1)

), but I wanted to confirm my leanings.

Which structure (higher or higher) would you recommend and why? If you would recommend a hash table, should I create a separate table for each object, or just create a separate table and use the object id as part of the key tuple?


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4 answers

A hash table would be the best choice here, as all the operations that matter to you are O (1) (and therefore you don't have to worry about creating multiple hash tables).



I am a big fan of hash tables as they are lightweight and there are implementations available for almost all major languages. Especially interesting is the O (1) insert / search function.

You should probably use a single table to keep in memory. Hash tables are notoriously memory inefficient, and using a single table will help to minimize this.



Hash tables would be helpful here and I see no reason to have more than one table.



Most trees have O (n ln n) lookup times, but hashtables have O (1) lookup times, so that's the one you want to use. It is also very common and often the implementation is optimized for loading.



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