Debugging ActiveX Control Installation in Internet Explorer

I have an ActiveX control that is running on a website where the old version is installed. Of course it works and installs just fine on your development machine. The new version has a new name and a new CLSID. The new version opens the Vista install dialog in Internet Explorer 8 (with correct digital signature, etc.), however nothing happens during the installation. How can I determine exactly what happened after clicking Install (the control is not in the Objects directory, however the old control is). I remember when I originally created this control that there was a log where there were details about failed installations, however, for my life I can't remember where it was or find it on the destination computer. This new version installs perfectly on some computers,but it cannot be installed on some computers (this does not apply to Vista, it is installed on some Vista machines).


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2 answers

It turns out that Visual Basic components built into 64-bit windows cannot work on 32-bit operating systems (Vista, XP, Windows 7). Don't know if this is a VB compiler, Cab generator or signtool, but if you build it on 64bit it will work fine in a 64bit environment, but won't be able to install without messages in a 32bit environment. Hope this helps someone in the future. However, search the log for failed ActiveX installations.



This can happen due to inactive ActiveX. You can try by creating a window that will try to install ActiveX. I'm pretty sure it will work like APPLET OR OBJECT to activate the window. It cannot be launched from a hidden div or other tag.



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