Does anyone know of a decent HTML editor?

I've always used a text editor for my web projects, but as they get more complex, need some help. I need something that does the following:

  • run on linux
  • as close to a text editor as possible (I use gedit for everything)
  • keep track of the attributes of an object, perhaps standardizing the order (i.e. type, id, class, etc.)
  • keep track of object relationships (i.e. which label goes with which input, etc.)
  • tell me if i do something like reusing "id" by accident
  • work with php

Ideally, I want this program to be free, but that probably won't happen ... Does anyone know of a good option?

UPDATE: Thanks everyone for your suggestions! There are many to choose from and many of them look great. As far as marking the solution as accepted, I would rather lose what to choose ... Thanks again for the help :)

UPDATE2: Do they / all of them fit perfectly with jQuery?


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14 replies

Since Eclipse has already been mentioned and even if it might be great for what you are looking for ...

Aptana Studio (based on Eclipse) specializes in web development and has some really nice features. Attached as a stand-alone or smooth eclipse.



There is a higher learning curve than most editors, but vim and the taglist plugin:

After a few months of use you will be much more efficient at editing text due to the large number of combinations / shortcuts in vim, it will be so powerful and can be easily extended with custom plugins that you could even make yourself.



Geany. Super lightweight, meets many of your requirements and feels like a text editor first and foremost.



Netbeans - Automatically exits as well. And it comes with add-ons for PHP. It's completely free.



Eclipse .

  • Free
  • Works on linux, windows, mac
  • SCM support

Alternatively, Aptana is an Eclipse build with a focus on web development.

The only place these tools don't fit your needs is that they can get quite large.

Also, I don't know anything, big or small, that warns you about attribute reuse and keeps track of attributes and relationships.



Check out Bluefish.

I haven't used it personally, but since HTML editors come for Linux, this is the only thing that comes to mind.



Scratch "be as close to a text editor as possible (I use gedit for everything)" and I would recommend Aptana Studio at heart. Almost everything you need and built on top of Eclipse. Downside - slightly bulky and large JS files (2000+ loc in my case) degrade performance.



Take a look at Activestate Komodo Edit 5.1. Below is a list

EDIT: I almost forgot jEdit



there are many HTML editors, but I don't like them ...

phpDesigner is a great choice for you!

instead I use Notepad ++ = D



I am using geany . low size compared to java editor;)



Notepad ++ is completely open source and free. It is compiled to run on multiple operating systems. It is extremely lightweight compared to other editors, making it faster and more powerful for slower computers. I am highlighting syntax for many supported languages ​​and allows highlighting variable / element names. This is what I use and I highly recommend it.



I recommend NetBeans to you .. it's free. it is available for all platforms and it is mostly useful for editing php, jsp, java, css, html, ...

Trust me, I am using it for php development and its the best suitable ideal I can find ...



I would recommend jEdit .



Bluefish. Free, but may not cover all your requirements.



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