Android. TranslateAnimation has no effect

I am trying to create an animation that moves an image.

Lets take a look at the following (for example, screen images):

  • 01 02
  • 03 04

If I go from 01 to 02 , 03 to 04 , 01 > to 03 , 02 to 04 , TranslateAnimation works fine.

But when I do 01 to 04 I have no visual animation and the image will take an immediate vertical position.

Could you suggest what might be wrong?



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1 answer

Do you specify duration and interpolator? This code works for me (struggling with the same problem today):

trans = new TranslateAnimation(0, 100, 0, 100);
trans.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(1.0f));


Also, I found that most elements don't actually have a width or height when requested in the action constructor, so trying to transform based on those parameters will give you a lot of 0-> 0 motion (i.e.: none) If you animate based on dimensions element, you might want to do some writing / toasting to make sure you actually have a width / height at the point where you create the animation.



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