DBMetal generates invalid class for sqlite_sequence

I am using DBLinq and DBMetal.exe to generate Linq-to-SQL classes other than SQLite database. Every time I use DBMetal to restore my DataContext, it generates a class for sqlite_sequence. The problem is that sqlite_sequence is not a proper table, so the class is not complete.

The question is, can DBMetal.exe do a better job of creating this class, or can I tell DBMetal to ignore this class?


Here's my call to DBMetal.exe

.\DbMetal.exe /namespace:Namespace /provider:SQLite "/conn:Data Source=Datasource.db" /code:CodeFile.cs 


Here's the actual generated SQL for sqlite_sequence (which is the system table):

CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)


Here's the broken class that is generated (note the properties, name and seq, which have no datatype. This is the problem):

[Table(Name = "main.sqlite_sequence")]
public partial class SQLiteSequence : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    private  _name;
    [Column(Storage = "_name", Name = "name", DbType = "")]
    public  Name
            return _name;
            if (value != _name)
                _name = value;

    private  _seq;
    [Column(Storage = "_seq", Name = "seq", DbType = "")]
    public  SEQ
            return _seq;
            if (value != _seq)
                _seq = value;

    public SQLiteSequence() {}



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1 answer

I figured out the way. It was a multi-step process, but there is a way to do exactly what I wanted.

I first generated the dbml from my database using the following command:

.\DbMetal.exe /namespace:Namespace /provider:SQLite "/conn:Data Source=Datasource.db" /dbml:CodeFile.dbml


Then I edited the dbml file (which is just an XML file of course) and removed the node for sqlite_sequence.

Finally, I generated the dbml.cs using this command:

.\DbMetal.exe /namespace:Namespace /provider:SQLite "/conn:Data Source=Datasource.db" /dbml CodeFile.dbml /code:CodeFile.dbml.cs


If I want to add a table or new columns, I will have to manually edit the dbml file, but now I have a control that I want to use for my SQLite DataContext!



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