C #: Elegant way to copy native dependencies next to my exe

I am currently using the post-build event command line like this:

xcopy /Y /R d:\svn\some\directory\somedll.dll  $(TargetDir)


The problem is this: when others check the code against a different directory, they will have to fix the path in that command. Is there a less hacky way to do this?


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3 answers

Assuming it d:\svn\some\directory

's in a fixed location relative to your file .sln

, you can use a relative path like this:

xcopy /Y /R $(SolutionDir)..\directory\somedll.dll $(TargetDir)


(Note that the value $(SolutionDir)

includes a trailing backslash.)



If d:\svn\some\directory

located in your solution folder, you can add somedll.dll

Visual Studio to the solution and set Copy to Output Directory to Copy Always in the file properties.



Instead of using the command line in a post-build event, you can use the actual msbuild tasks as part of the build script by editing the .csproj


Here is RichieHindle 's answer using the msbuild task rather than xcopy:

<Target Name="PostBuild">


In the file, .csproj

you should see a missing stub for pre / post build targets.



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