Email Notification

The company I work for has consultants who work off-site. Due to policy, we are not allowed to set up email forwarding so that users can receive email. Obviously, this is a problem as these users may miss important emails. Can anyone recommend a way that we could inform these users that they have email awaiting them?


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7 replies

If they have cell phones on their face, you can send them an SMS. I'm not sure how you hooked up to this, but you would like to have some sort of SMPP service from whatever provider you can find. With SMPP, you can actually transcode an email and send it that way. It wouldn't be too painful for Blackberries to read emails this way.



Could you configure the system to send them an email to let them know they have an email awaiting them? How are banks to advise that you should log into your account without sending any actual information in an email?



Whoever came up with this policy should be responsible for developing an off-site consultant solution. Policies that run counter to technical reality must be re-evaluated; no harm in requesting an exclusion for a limited time given the circumstances.

Note that any other solution comes down to "ending" around the policy, violating the spirit of the policy, if not the letter. If the policy exists for "security reasons," then the "security" experts will have to find an alternative. If you just bypass politics and something goes wrong, it can be very bad for everyone involved.



I would think the best thing to do here is to see if you can change the policy. If you are unable to email your consultants because of some policy, then it is a policy that prevents you from doing your job correctly, not a technical problem.



I'm pretty sure these consultants have their own email accounts (whether through their consulting firm or personal). So just send them the messages you need to these accounts.



Why can't you just send an email to your "regular" email address?
If not, the phone call works and offers a good time to connect, chat, and discuss status.



I don't understand if the consultants are using your company email address or if they have their own email address that they use when doing consulting business with other companies.

I had a similar issue where I had to check email when you left the site and it was a 24/7 support gig. I had to create an application where my emails will be transferred to php scripts and sent as sms and this script will only work from 22h00 - 07h00, otherwise it will use normal forwarding to my email address.

Alternatively, use mobile phones that support the pop3 mail protocol and they can be configured to check at intervals and download an email snapshot ....

sms script is a very nice tool to maintain a 24/7 support environment, but I would recommend the second option (cell phones)



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