Webspehere base with RAD wsInstallApp task task

Hello to all,

I am trying to run the wsInstallApp task to deploy my war file to WebSphere. I get the error "Unable to parse setupCmdLine: null \ bin \ setupCmdLine.bat (the system cannot find the path specified).

<property name="ear.file" value="../archive/DocProcessing.war" />
There is no attribute for war

Here is the code SNIPPET:
<target name="init">
<path id="lib.ref">
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\lib">
            <include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\bin">
            <include name="*.*bat" />
        <fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\plugins">
            <include name="*.*jar" />
        <fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\java\lib">
            <include name="*.*jar" />
        <fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\deploytool\itp\plugins">
            <include name="*.*jar" />
        <fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}">
            <include name="*.*jar" />
    <taskdef name="wsStartServer" classpathref="lib.ref"
        classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.StartServer" />
    <taskdef name="wsInstallApp" classpathref="lib.ref"
        classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.InstallApplication" />


<target name="StartServer" depends="init">
    <exec dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\bin" executable="cmd">
        <arg line="/c startServer.bat server1 -profileName AppSrv01" />
<target name="installEar" depends="StartServer">
    <echo message="EAR File located: ${ear.file}" />
    <wsInstallApp ear="${ear.file}" wasHome="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}"
        conntype="${remoteConnType}" host="${remoteHostName}" user="${remoteUserId}"
        password="${remotePassword}" />

properties set are:

<property name="remoteHostName" value="localhost" />
<property name="remoteConnType" value="SOAP" />
<property name="remotePort" value="8880" />
<property name="remoteUserId" value="wasadmin" />
<property name="remotePassword" value="wasadmin" />

path set for wasHome ="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"


I might not know what's wrong with that. Although I am new to websphere I am trying to find a solution to install the application and start using an ant script. Please kindly provide me with a solution to install it correctly.

Thanx in advance


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5 answers

You must set the user.install.root property, here is an example:

<property name="user.install.root" value="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}/profiles/was60profile1" />




Yes, we needed to add the following:

<property name="user.install.root" value="${was.path}/profiles/AppSrv01" />


where was.path

will be the place where your application is installed.



I had this error today. And I found the answer !!! Add profileName = "[profile name]", in my case profileName = "wp_profile" and it works!



This process most likely starts ws_ant.bat, which in turn calls setupcmdline to initialize all variables. In my installation, the line looks like this:

@echo off
call "%~dp0setupCmdLine.bat" %*


Could this be due to a misconfiguration in your server / RAD or a project that does not have a default server assigned?

What happens when you run it outside of RAD via the command line, it still crashes in the same way?





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