External Development Tools for SQL Server Management Studio 2005

Does anyone have any experience developing external tools for SSMS 2005.

Ideally I would like to be able to interact directly with the request windows, for example by taking the request text from the window in order to do some processing on it.

Any pointers in the right direction would be great.

Thank you in advance


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4 answers

Very late entry ...

An example of how to do it here

And here too



Have you looked at Sql Server Management Objects (SMO)?




The best example of this I've seen for SSMS is the Red Gate SQL Query

SQL Prompt launches a separate .NET application that's in your systray and is part of the integration magic to some extent.

To load the add-on, you need to create a key for:

HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server \ 90 \ Tools \ Shell \ AddIns \

... for SSMS to load the add-in.

Hope it helps



This link explains how to add external tools to ssms with screen screens. It also has a procedure to add them as a button. http://sqlserverlearner.com/2011/sql-server-external-tools



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