How do I switch between tabs and pushViewController at the same time?

I have two tabs in my application, the left tab is a regular UIViewController, the right tab is a navigation controller with a table view inside it. I would like the user to click a button on the left tab and go to a specific detail view that belongs to a specific row in the table view on the right tab.

In the table view itself, I have no problem displaying a specific detailed view, for example:

[self.navigationController pushViewController:theView animated:YES];


and i can also jump tabs using

self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1; // 1= right tab


but I can't figure out how to do it. I tried

self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1; // 1= right tab
// alloc and init theView here
[self.navigationController pushViewController:theView animated:YES];


but it doesn't work.


when i try the above code it just switches the tab but doesn't click the view.

I have also tried what criskokid suggested, but nothing happens at all.


Trying to explain what's in each tab:

Root (Tab Bar Controller)  
- (Left Tab) - UIViewController (I want to go from here ...)  
- (Right Tab) --- UINavigationController  
             --- UITableViewController  
                 ---- UIViewController (... to here) 
                      ^ specific view with data from specific row
                        in table view (that is 'theView' from above)

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2 answers

The correct way for me is:

 UINavigationController * navigationController = (UINavigationController *) [[self tabBarController] selectedViewController];
 [navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];


Criscokid's answer has one redundant call navigationController

. This is because yours selectedViewController

really is UINavigationViewController




If you switch the tab bar and push the ViewController onto the navigation controller stack in the same way, you won't want to use self.navigationController. If I understand correctly, you want to add it to the navigation controller on the right tab. I believe you would like to use:

[[[[self tabBarController] selectedViewController] navigationController] pushViewController:theView animated:YES];




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