Flash loader and drag and drop

I am trying to load an external swf movie and then add the ability to drag and drop it across the stage, however whenever I try to do it I just run into a dead end. Are there any restrictions on what you can install, drag and drop or click? An example of what I am doing is below:

public function loadSwf(url:String, swfUniqueName:String)
            var ldr:Loader = new Loader();

            var url:String = "Swfs/Label.swf";
            var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);

            ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener("complete", loadCompleteHandler);

        private function loadCompleteHandler(event):void{
            var ldr = event.currentTarget;          

                    // These are only here because I can't seem to get the drag to work
            ldr.content.doubleClickEnabled = true;
            ldr.content.buttonMode = true;
            ldr.content.useHandCursor = true;
            ldr.content.mouseEnabled = true;
            ldr.content.txtLabel.mouseEnabled = true;           


            ldr.content.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouse_down);


            mouse_down = function(event) {


Using the above code, I can only get it to recognize a click on the movie itself if it clicks on the text box, but this is really necessary to work with any part of the movie. Any ideas?


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2 answers

If your content has white space, Flash will handle it the same way you clicked the THROUGH clip button on the stage below. Try adding a transparent square to the bottom level of your downloadable content.

Also try installing:

ldr.content.mouseChildren = false;



Something done in the dark, but can you make a transparent clip on top of the loaded movie that drags around that moves the swf at the bottom?



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