Reverse for 'code_front' with arguments' () 'and key arguments' {' category_slug ': u'code'} 'not found

The following error message appears:

Reverse for 'code_front' with arguments' () 'and keyword arguments' {' category_slug ': u'code'} 'not found.

I'm new to this, please help.


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2 answers

The error you are getting is that there is no match in your for the view and parameters you are using.


If your looks like:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^YOUR_PATTERN/(?P<PARAMETER>.*)', your_view, name='code_front'),


You can change its url like this:

In the template:

  • Using the value directly:

    {% url code_front 'some_value' %}

  • You can use variables as parameter values:

    {% url code_front variable %}

  • Using multiple parameters (if you are looking at them):

    {% url code_front variable, another_variable %}

  • Or using named parameters:

    {% url code_front parameter=variable %}

The same can be done in your Python code:

  • reverse('code\_front', args=['some_value'])

  • reverse('code\_front', args=[variable])

  • reverse('code\_front', args=[variable, another_variable])

  • reverse('code\_front', kwargs={'parameter': variable})

You will need to import the function reverse


from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse



Some basics:

  • Make sure you are passing the correct arguments to the view function that the URL resolves.
  • Make sure the inverse function only gets one match, if not, give your url a unique name to reverse it.
  • If you are using get_absolute_url

    / permalink

    , make sure you pass the correct parameters.
  • Make sure it code_front

    exists as a valid element for reverse lookups.


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