Setting NSBox background to gradient programmatically without subclassing

I want the background to NSBox

be a gradient. In Interface Builder, you can set the background color NSBox

- selectedMenuColor

which is a gradient.


only has a method setFillColor

, so how does the Interface Builder fill it with a gradient?

How do I programmatically populate NSBox

without subclassing? It NSBox

would be trivial for a subclass , but the work of the Interface Builder suggests that there might be a better solution.


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4 answers


is a "magic" color that does not appear as a solid color. Many of these "magic" colors exist in the system.

I have used colorWithPatternImage:

for this before. But note that the image you are using as a template will be tiled, so you may have to resize the image to fit the window.



Perhaps the closest you could be to the NSColor created with colorWithPatternImage:

and then create the gradient you want as an image and load it. Awful, but it should work. I think subclassing is the best choice.



The selected MenuColor is actually a pre-rendered gradient image, not an on-the-fly gradient, so there is no way to specify an arbitrary gradient as the background. As Ben said, subclassing is probably the way to go.



In xib

select NSBox

then go to effect inspector, check NSBox

for Core Animation Layer. Now

IBOutlet NSBox *box;


[box.layer setBackgroundColor:[[NSColor whiteColor] CGColor]];




[box.layer setBackgroundColor:[[NSColor colorWithPatternImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"white.gif"]] CGColor]];




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