C ++ Opening a file and entering data into a class object

Simple question, hopefully an easy way and just want to confirm that I am doing this correctly / efficiently.

I have an object of class T, which is usually put into a vector that is created in my main () function. It can be any data, string, int, float, etc. I am reading from a file ... which is entered by the user and passed to a function. Here is my main reading function:

template <class T, class U>
void get_list(vector<T>& v, const char *inputFile, U)
ifstream myFile;
T object;

   myFile >> object;
   insert(v, object, U)


insert is another function that will go through and insert data into my data structure. I just want to make sure that this is the best way to pass this data, if it even works.


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3 answers

It looks like everything will be fine and I would say this is probably the best way to do it. But why are you asking here and not just testing yourself?



You made the old eof testing error in state. EOF is not set until you try and read the end of the file. So this method will add one extra value to the vector that you don't need.

template <class T, class U>
void get_list(vector<T>& v, const char *inputFile, U)
    ifstream myFile("inputFile");  // Why hard code this?
                                   // When you pass inputFile as a parameter? 
    T object;

    while(myFile >> object)  // Get the object here.
                             // If it fails because of eof() or other
                             // It will not get inserted.
         insert(v, object, U)




Do not use .eof()

for a stream in while

-condition. The condition will be evaluated as true only after an attempt has been made to read past the end of the file. the best way to do

while(myFile >> object)
    insert(v, object, U);


Usage is U

spoiled. I have no idea what it is used for. It is used once as a type, but then at other times you pass it to a function insert

as a value.



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