How do you update jQuery plugins?

I guess I'll have to go to each plugin site and subscribe to the site's rss feed ... but I thought I'd ask, just in case it's better.

This assumes I even want to update the plugins ... hey if it works ... why change it ...


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4 answers

I generally don't. If I use a plugin and it works like exptected ... it doesn't need updating.

There is no need to do extra work and risk something if you already have a job.



I find there are NuGet packages for many common jQuery plugins and libraries.



I don't think it is a good idea to use plugins and never make updates.

For example:

You are using jQuery and a few plugins that seem to work for this release, you are happy with the result and decide to stop following the new updates to the plugins in use.

jQuery does some updates and after two updates you realize your plugin is not working. So, you can update this plugin. But it is possible that it stopped working a few weeks before you noticed the errors ... I bet your visitors are not very happy with the faulty site.

Okay, of course there is a clever ass that says that if you don't update your jQuery your plugins will always work. True, but the problem is that jQuery will stop supporting older versions after a while. So I believe you are trying to stay up to date with your plugins.

What's the best way to do this?

I assume rss, twitter and all these communities will keep you up to date. If not, I just think you are trying a lot of plugins.



I am updating ussualy plugins following this checklist:

  • Is this a critical update?
    • No - Leave it until the next iteration of the site update.
    • Yes - Does the functionality change?
      • No - update to the latest version.
      • Yes. Get ready for a lot of work and some sleep to speed up site updates.
      • For both - Avoid this heck!

At each iteration of the site version, I try to stick to the latest stable version of the plugins. If it is "unstable" (no formal release), I have developed my own server and merged regularly.

It's one thing, iteration in this context might mean something to you. You could target them to range from a few days / week to several months / a year. I would advise doing faster iterations.



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