Extract data from tables that have multiple columns pointing to the same primary key in another?

I'm not responsible for this design, but I need to extract data from this schema, which looks something like this (SQL Server 2000):

    contract_id int,
    account_id int,             /* account table */
    responsible_id int,         /* account table */
    holding_id int,             /* account table */
    billingaddress_id int,      /* address table */
    deliveryaddress_id int,     /* address table */

    address_id int,
    postalcode char(4),

    account_id int,
    firstname varchar(40),
    billingaddress_id int,      /* address table */
    deliveryaddress_id int,     /* address table */


Account_id, responsible_id, and hold_id in the contracts table can be zero, stock values, or different values. It may or may not have a billing and / or shipping address. An account object always has a billing or shipping address, and both can be the same.

I need to find all the accounts associated with contracts (i.e. the contract has the same account, in charge or holding the ID as the account id) and linked to addresses that have a specific zip code (either directly or through a contract) ...

The problem seems to be 2x:
a) Retrieving invoices associated with contracts b) Filtering results from (a) to retrieve invoices associated with a specific zip code

This does not work because if the account_id is not associated with the specified postcode, but has_ ​​hold_id, then it will not be returned:

FROM account
INNER JOIN contract
    ON account.account_id = 
        CASE WHEN NOT IsNull(contract.account_id) THEN contract.account_id 
        WHEN NOT IsNull(contract.responsible_id) THEN contract.responsible_id 
        ELSE contract.holding_id END


This is too slow for some reason (FK is not indexed - waited 30 minutes and it didn't return):

FROM account
INNER JOIN contract
    ON account.account_id = contract.account_id
    OR account.account_id = contract.responsible_id
    OR account.account_id = contract.holding_id


The only thing that seemed to work was UNION, but then I still have the problem of filtering the results by address type.

What is the shortest way to return the required results? At the moment I am leaning towards creating a temporary table to store the data it contains.


source to share

2 answers

In the end, I solved something like this:

SELECT Account.*
FROM   (SELECT Contract.Account_Id          AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.DeliveryAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract
        SELECT Contract.Account_Id          AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.DeliveryAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract
        SELECT Contract.Account_Id          AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.BillingAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract) ContractInfo
       JOIN Account Account
         ON Account.Name_Id = ForeignKey_Id
       JOIN Address
         ON Address.Address_Id = ContractInfo.Address_Id
            AND Address.PostalCode = 'ABCDE'
SELECT Account.*
FROM   (SELECT Contract.Responsible_Id        AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.DeliveryAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract
        SELECT Contract.Responsible_Id        AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.DeliveryAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract
        SELECT Contract.Responsible_Id        AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.BillingAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract) ContractInfo
       JOIN Account Account
         ON Account.Name_Id = ForeignKey_Id
       JOIN Address
         ON Address.Address_Id = ContractInfo.Address_Id
            AND Address.PostalCode = 'ABCDE'
SELECT Account.*
FROM   (SELECT Contract.Holding_Id     AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.DeliveryAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract
        SELECT Contract.Holding_Id     AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.DeliveryAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract
        SELECT Contract.Holding_Id    AS ForeignKey_Id,
               Contract.BillingAddress_Id AS Address_Id
        FROM   Contract) ContractInfo
       JOIN Account Account
         ON Account.Name_Id = ForeignKey_Id
       JOIN Address
         ON Address.Address_Id = ContractInfo.Address_Id
            AND Address.PostalCode = 'ABCDE'
) Account


It works better than using sub-segments in a string or IN clause.



FROM    contract
        SELECT  NULL
        FROM    account
        JOIN    address
        ON      address_id IN (billingaddress_id, deliveryaddress_id)
        WHERE   account_id IN (account_id, responsible_id, holding_id)
                AND postalcode = @mycode


To select accounts use this:

FROM    account ao
        SELECT  NULL
        FROM    (
                SELECT  account_id, responsible_id, holding_id
                FROM    contract c
                WHERE   c.account_id = ao.account_id
                UNION ALL
                SELECT  account_id, responsible_id, holding_id
                FROM    contract c
                WHERE   c.responsible_id = ao.account_id
                UNION ALL
                SELECT  account_id, responsible_id, holding_id
                FROM    contract c
                WHERE   c.holding_id = ao.account_id
                ) co
        JOIN    account ai
        ON      ai.account_id IN (co.account_id, co.responsible_id, co.holding_id)
        JOIN    address
        ON      address_id IN (billingaddress_id, deliveryaddress_id)
        WHERE   postalcode = @mycode



Since the columns are not indexed, EXISTS

it won't be efficient in this case as it won't be overwritten as IN


You must rewrite all join conditions as equijoins in order to use the method HASH JOIN


Try the following:

SELECT  a.account_id
FROM    (
        SELECT  account_id
        FROM    contract
        SELECT  responsible_id
        FROM    contract
        SELECT  holding_id
        FROM    contract
        ) c
JOIN    (
        SELECT  account_id, billingaddress_id AS address_id
        FROM    account
        SELECT  account_id, deliveryaddress_id
        FROM    account
        ) a
ON      a.account_id = c.account_id
JOIN    address ad
ON      ad.address_id = a.address_id
WHERE   ad.postalcode = @mycode




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