Extending each Ajax.Request onSuccess event (Javascript Prototype Framework)

I have an application that uses Ajax.Request

and its event handler onSuccess

in many places.

I need to call a function (which will check the response) before all these events onSuccess

fire. I tried to use Ajax.Responders.register

with an event onComplete

, but it fires after the event Ajax.Request


. Any suggestions?


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6 answers

It might be a little overdue, but for someone else interested in the same issue, I suggest this solution:

To do this, you can use Prototypes's own aspect-oriented programming implementation. You will of course have to change all of the onSuccess parameters, but that can be done with a simple find and replace instead of updating all of your callback functions. Here's an example of creating an Ajax.Request:

new Ajax.Request('example.html', {
    parameters: {action: 'update'},
    onSuccess: this.updateSuccessful


Suppose you have similar code snippets distributed throughout your code and you want to outperform them all with a specific function that validates the response before the actual function is fired (or even not fired at all). Using the Funtion.wrap provided by Prototype, we can do this by extending the code above:

new Ajax.Request('example.html', {
    parameters: {action: 'update'},
    onSuccess: this.updateSuccessful.wrap(validateResponse)


Where "validateResponse" is a function like this:

// If you use the X-JSON-header of the response for JSON, add the third param
function validateResponse(originalFn, transport /*, json */) {
    // Validate the transport

    if (someConditionMet) {
        originalFn(transport /*, json */);


So you've extended the onSuccess functions in one central place with a simple onSuccess search and pasting in 'wrap (validateResponse)'. It also gives you the ability to have multiple wrapper functions depending on the needs of a particular Ajax request.



similar to Alexander Krzhivinsky's answer, but I believe it would prevent you from sprinkling the use of "wrapper" all over the place by combining it with the onCreate Responder.


  onCreate: function(request) {

    request.options['onSuccess'] = request.options['onSuccess'].wrap(validateResponse);






There are several events that you have chosen from . Here is the chain of events for Ajax.Request


  • onCreate

  • onUninitialized

  • onLoading

  • onLoaded

  • onInteractive

  • onXYZ

    , onSuccess


  • onComplete


, onLoaded

, onInteractive

It sounds interesting, but according to the specification , they are not guaranteed. This gives you the ability to connect to onCreate

, which is called immediately after the request object is built, but before the request is actually made.



You can run your method before other code in onSuccess and return false if something is wrong.



Don't know if this is the cleanest solution, but for me this is the trick.

var tmp = Ajax.Request;
Ajax.Request = function(url, args) {
 // stuff to do before the request is sent
 var c = Object.clone(args);
 c.onSuccess = function(transport){
  // stuff to do when request is successful, before the callback

 var a = new tmp(url, c);
 return a;
Ajax.Request.protoype = new tmp();
Ajax.Request.Events = tmp.Events;
delete tmp;




"Generic solution" - regardless of JS structure (kind)

var oldFunc = Ajax.Request.onSuccess;
Ajax.Request.onSuccess = function foo() {
  oldFunc.apply(this, arguments);


This will "extend" your JS function, causing it to do exactly what it used to, except to display an alert box every time before it is executed ...



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