Are you having trouble adding jquery elements

I have a problem with datePicker. When you create a new textbox with datepicker and add it to some div, it won't work. Someone had the same problem ...


    $("#DP").datepicker({showOn: 'button', buttonId: 'kalendar', buttonImage: 'calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true});


         $('<input type="text" id="DP">').appendTo('#some_div').show();   

<\div id="some_div"></div>
<\a href="#">New datepicker<\/a>


I need to change the number of datePickers fields. And sorry for my english ..


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2 answers

I think this does what you want:


  <script type="text/javascript">
        field_count = 0;

            var new_field = jQuery("<input type=\"text\" />")
            $('#container').append(jQuery("<br />"));

<input type="button" id="add_datepicker" value="Add Datepicker"/>
<div id="container">




This allows you to add another element <input>

with unique id

and unique name

so that it can be presented as form data.



The problem is that you set "everything" (that is, one) #DP for the datepicker to document.ready, then you create a new input with id #DP. This will not be automatically set to datepicker, you either need to set the new entry as datepicker at "narrowing time", i.e.


     $('<input type="text" id="DP">').


NB! You can only have one DOM element with ID = DP



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