Random Algorithm

I need help regarding the randomness algorithm. So there is a problem.

50 events will take place within 8 hours. Events can happen at arbitrary times. This now means that every second the probability of an event is 50 / (8 * 60 * 60) = .001736. How can I do this with a random generation algorithm?

I can get a random number

int r = rand();
double chance = r/RAND_MAX;
if(chance < 0.001736)
    then event happens
    no event


But most of the times rand () returns 0 and 0 <0.001736 and I get more events than I need.

Any suggestions?

Sorry, I forgot to mention I was counting on double chance = (static_cast) (r) / (static_cast) (RAND_MAX);

Removed double from static_cast

double chance = (double) r / (double) (RAND_MAX);


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5 answers

  • Create a list of 50 numbers.
  • Fill them in with a random number from 1 to 8 * 60 * 60.
  • Sort them

And you have 50 seconds.

Please note that you may have duplicates.



Both r


are integers, so the expression

double chance = r / RAND_MAX;


calculated using integer arithmetic. Try:

double chance = 1.0 * r / RAND_MAX;


which will cause the division to be floating point division.

However, a better solution would be to use a random function that returns a floating point value in the first place. If you use an integer random number generator, you will get bias errors in your probabilistic calculations.



If you choose whether an event occurs every second, you will have a change of 0 events or 8 * 60 * 60 events. If 50 events are a limit, pick 50 random times within an 8 hour period and save them.



Exactly 50 or on average 50?

You might want to look into Exponential Distribution and find a library for your language that supports it.

Exponential distribution will give you the intervals between events that happen randomly at a given average rate.

You can "fake" it with a homogeneous RNG like this:

    double u;
        // Get a uniformally-distributed random double between
        // zero (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
        u = rng.nextDouble();
    } while (u == 0d); // Reject zero, u must be +ve for this to work.
    return (-Math.log(u)) / rate;




Why not create a list of 28,800 items and pull 50 items out of it to time the events? This assumes that 2 events cannot happen at the same time, and each event takes 1 second of time. You can use a random number generator to generate integer values ​​from 0 to x so you can choose between.



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