View SMS on Windows Mobile with Managed Code

The Windows Mobile SDK has a MessagingApplication class in Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook that has a "DisplayComposeForm" method that allows you to open the default layout dialog for sending SMS.

I need a way to display the default message view dialog from managed code. That is, I received a message via MAPI, but now I want to show it using the default message viewer in Windows Mobile.

Does anyone know how to do this?


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1 answer

Through some smart googling I stumbled upon an answer.

Use P / Invoke to access MailDisplayMessage in the MAPI API.

The P / Invoke signature looks like this:

internal static extern int MailDisplayMessage(byte[] lpEntryID, int cbEntryID);


You can use the free MAPIdotnet project for controlled access to message stores .



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