Problem downloading files from China

I have a web application part of which accepts custom csv file uploads. There is a potential customer in China who has tried the site. They report that when they try to download a file, the page "hangs", that is, "Please wait, etc." that is displayed while the file is downloading, remains on their page and the file does not load. I have some checks in my PHP script using the move_uploaded_file function, which checks if the file was saved correctly and shows an error message if the file is not moved. This piece of code fails, which makes me think the server is choking on the Chinese encoding of the file character, or even the filename.

I sent them a file which I tested successfully on my machine, but they had the same result, so I'm not 100% sure if my reasoning is correct. Anyway, I need to come up with a solution in order to become the right client. Has anyone seen or resolved a problem like this?


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2 answers

This is just a wild guess, but there is no chance it has anything to do with the Great Firewall of China , right? Many of their filtering mechanisms are detrimental to web applications.



yes i think it has to do with GFW, many applications cannot use like facebook, twitter and so no. But you can use any proxy server from the wall or use vpn.



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