Why can't I create a color in Java with the "new" keyword?

I was trying to create a new color in java using

Color temp = new Color(foo.getBackground());


and he kept saying that I couldn't find the symbol.

But it works

Color temp = (foo.getbackground());



java constructor colors awt

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6 answers

This is because it foo.getBackground()

returns an instance Color

and a no constructor Color

that takes an instance Color

as an argument.


Check this link Color (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2) .

If you want this code to work:

Color temp = new Color(foo.getBackground());


foo.getBackground () must return an integer. Since it returns a Color object, you have a type mismatch.

You can always do:

Color temp = new Color(foo.getbackground().getRGB());



Color color = foo.getBackground();
Color temp = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(),color.getAlpha());



Yes you can do that, the problem is maybe foo.getBackground does'nt return an integer or something similar.

Color c = new Color(23,32,43)


works great


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There is no constructor for Color that only accepts color. In the second case, you are assigning to a variable that was returned from a function.


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The Color class does not have a constructor that takes another Color instance as an argument, and that is what foo.getBackground () returns. IIRC, Java's Color class is immutable - so it just doesn't make sense to create a constructor that makes a copy of an existing Color object.


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The type returned by foo.getBackground () appears to be of type "Color".

While you can of course assign a color to a temp variable of type Color, at least there is no constructor in java.awt.Color to create a color from another color.


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