Is there a non-relational OLAP engine?

Like NoSQL database, but for OLAP. Open Source, of course :)


OLAP systems use a relational database behind the scenes. For example, SAPBW can use Oracle, etc. What I had in mind was an OLAP engine WITHOUT this underlying database. Similar to Google BigTable with OLAP functionality.

OLAP DB can be gigantic since BigTable has about the same amount of data and I want to know if anyone has made a model to merge both.


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3 answers

Palo is an open source OLAP engine that does not use an RDBMS as a backend. All data is stored in memory (and saved to disk as CSV), so it is not suitable for very large amounts of data.

datacube is a new HBase powered OLAP engine with Urban Airship.



It's like asking if there are no brick houses. OLAP is not about relational relationships, or rather, it is more of an application layer or an optimized data structure that can live in a relational database.

You probably want to watch Pentaho - Mondrian in particular .



There are several non-relational OLAP engines. Learn about OLAP engines such as Druid and Keelin. There is also a big data analytics platform like Metatron Discovery that uses it.



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