Create a dropdown menu that changes page content using Show / Hide Layers and Z-Index

I am trying to create a sidebar for a site that will allow the user to select an item from a dropdown menu and show an RSS feed. The channel will change depending on which item is selected from the list. I'm not sure how to do this, but I thought I should use z-index and show / hide layers. I have one layer and a menu set up, but that won't allow me to change the feed shown when another menu item is selected. Does anyone know how I can internalize this?

I have a preview of what I have done so far. It is located on the site, CHUD ,


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3 answers

you have two options:

  • preload all rss feeds (I'm assuming yours <ul>

    on your example page is the HTML output of your rss feeds?) hide them all when your document loads and then expand them as selected

  • use AJAX to dynamically grab selected feed information when your select box changes.

here's a quick example of a javascript and jQuery version to accomplish the former:


<select id="showRss">
   <option name="feed1">Feed 1</option>
   <option name="feed2">Feed 2</option>

<div id="rssContainer">
   <ul id="feed1">
      <li>feed item 1</li>
   <ul id="feed2">
      <li>feed item 2</li>
   <!-- etc... -->



var rss = document.getElementById('rssContainer'); // main container
var nodes = rss.getElementsByTagName('ul');        // collection of ul nodes
var select = document.getElementById('showRss');   // your select box

function hideAll()  {                              // hide all ul's
    for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i)  {
        nodes[i].style.display = 'none';

select.onchange = function()    {                  // use the 'name' of each
    hideAll();                                     // option as the id of the ul
    var e = this[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('name');
    var show = document.getElementById(e);         // to show when selected = 'block';




$('#showRss').change(function() {
    $('#rssContainer ul').hide('slow');            // added a bit of animation
    var e = '#' + $(':selected', $(this)).attr('name');
    $(e).show('slow');                             // while we change the feed

$('#rssContainer ul').hide();


to do option 2 your function onchange

will handle the AJAX loading. if you are new to AJAX and have multiple channels, option 1 is probably the easiest. (again, I'll assume you've already parsed your RSS as HTML, just like this other topic).



This uses jQuery and jFeed plugin to replace DIV content based on dropdown.

// load first feed on document load
    function() {
       load_feed( $('select#feedSelect')[0], 'feedDiv' ) ); // pick first

function load_feed( ctl, contentArea )  // load based on select
   var content = $('#' + contentArea )[0]; //pick first

   content.html( 'Loading feed, please wait...' );

   var feedUrl = ctl.options[ctl.selectedIndex].value;

   $.getFeed( { url: feedUrl,
        function(feed) {
           content.html( '' );
           content.append( '<h1>' + feed.title + '</h1>' );
              function(i,item) {
                  content.append( '<h2><a href="'
                                     + '">' 
                                     + feed.title
                                     + '</a></h2>' );
                  content.append( '<p>' + feed.description + '</p>' );



   <select id=feedSelect onchange="load_feed(this,'feedDiv');" >
      <option value='url-to-first-feed' text='First Feed' selected=true />
      <option value='url-to-second-feed' text='Second Feed' />
   <div id='feedDiv'>




It's not exactly the same, but it uses plain CSS and HTML and doesn't require Javascript. A little bit of reverse engineering can go a long way.


it is in Dutch but it is simple: hover over the parts <a>

and image switchers.

Pure CSS + HTML, no Javascript



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