Don't use an email address in a custom membership package?

I am writing a custom MemberhipProvider for a legacy database. Users are authenticated by login and password, there is no email attribute attached. What is the best way to "short cycle" the methods FindUsersByEmail()

and GetUserNameByEmail()

? My naive approach was to leave them unimplemented as I assume there is no need to recover the password, nor is there any need to search for users by email - does this have any side effects?


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1 answer

I would venture to suggest that you will be fine. A quick look at the dependencies in Reflector shows that these methods are only used by static methods of the Membership class.

However, since these are publicly available methods, other third party controls / APIs may assume they are implemented. This is similar to some of the SharePoint APIs (see Grayed out Private Methods). SPMembershipProviderPrincipalResolver uses both of these methods.



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