How do I create a deployment project without unsubscribing?

I'm not very good at assemblies - it can be very simple! I have a simple application with a simple deployment project. I went to the directory where the release compiled versions of the DLLs were, signed everything (verisign) and then went to the deployment project, chose Build (not REbuild) and recompiled all my assemblies and now they stop working, t already signed ... Can I keep a good deployment project and still have signed assemblies, or do I need to build the MSI in a different way? Thank!


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2 answers

Try signing assemblies as an intermediate step in your build.

One way to do this is to add a dummy project that has a build event that signs your builds. Make this project the final step before creating your MSI package.



I haven't tried it, but ... Don't make the deployment project depend on the application project. Instead, manually add the application output to the deployment. As a consequence, the automatic build should not start.



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