Opening j2me service and discovering at the same time

I am trying to write a simple client / server application (all applications are bluetooth service and client). The client code finds Bluetooth devices and registers itself in the local database. But when the request works, it cannot be detected. (The server code runs on a different thread). I have an emulator it works (the scan time is 0), but when I installed in a real phone (two SE and one nokia), the scan time is 10-15 seconds. during this period, the device is not detected by other devices.

Any idea?


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2 answers

When you search for devices, the Bluetooth radio will be busy doing this and therefore will not respond to another discovery device's request.



As far as I can see you are trying to create a production server and a client at the same time, right? Well I guess it won't work, you need to make one phone server and the other client.

I would suggest looking at the sample apps bundled with the WTK or SE SDK, you can use them as a reference. Also I would suggest reading the SE developer site .



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