What's the best (free) Font Explorer for Windows?

I'm looking for an alternative to my old "Font Navigator" which I ... borrowed ... from CorelDraw Suite :-)

Google for this has taken me hundreds of pages with old software, so I hope to find a short idea here (expecting FontExplorer X from Linotype).

Which Explorer fonts for Windows are you currently using? My requisites":

  • viewing and previewing installed / removed fonts

  • install / remove fonts

  • is free: -)

Thank you in advance

windows fonts

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4 answers

This thread links to major font explorers like Bitstream Font Navigator , Typograf (both already mentioned) and OT1 Font Manager

... but they are not free.

The only one that might be free will be Font Explorer X , which has a beta version for PC , but this version is quite "dangerous"

"This is very buggy. Not entirely useless, but you have to overcome the fact that it completely messes up any font directory. So create a separate folder for the fonts you want to import into the program, as it will remove those fonts from the original folder. Also create a backup. a copy of the Windows fonts folder just in case she also decides to remove the fonts. "


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I found Opcion quite practical. Works on multiple platforms.

Do not install / uninstall, but do the rest.



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I've tried it for years. I am currently using AMP Font Viewer , which is pretty good and does whatever you ask ... and more (like "Install font temporarily", manage categories, etc.).

[Arjan Mel Font Viewer] ( http://www.google.fr/search?q=%22arjan+mel%22 "Arjan Mel Font Viewer") is also good, but old, abandoned and a little unstable ...

Plus I have various viewers for symbol tables, including the excellent BabelMap .


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Start-> Run-> Fonts

Works for me (:

You can remove, view and add new fonts. It also displays the font type.

This is a redirect to WINDOWSDIR \ Fonts


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