Novell Connection Error 81

We tried to connect to a remote Novell server from our offices.

First, we needed to open the firewall port to connect to the server, otherwise we got error 91 (which basically says the server can't connect).

Second, we used a tool called LDAP Browser to test the connection.

We get error 81 "Cannot contact the LDAP server . But we looked at the communication traces and we see that we are contacting the server and we get a response. We also tested Telnet and we can see that we can connect to the server."

So, does anyone know what this error means and what are the possible solutions? Because I was looking for this error and didn't get a correct answer telling what to check and what is the reason.

The Novell server is hosted by a third party, so we cannot provide you with its IP address, much less user / password.

We are connecting to port 636. In the LDAP browser trace, we can see that it goes to the "Initializing SSL ..." step, but then fails to connect.


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1 answer

Two questions I am thinking: 1) What binding are you trying to do? SSL? Clear text? Anonymous?

2) How is it configured on the eDirectory side for LDAP bindings?

LDAP Browser tool, are you linking from this link?
Free LDAP Browser

On the eDirectory side, they can require TLS for all LDAP communication, and they can deny anonymous bindings.

Can you ask the people on the other end to enable LDAP tracing (using the DStrace option with the + LDAP option, some links for using Dstrace in Novell eDirectory look at: Different types of Dstrace Capturing and understanding DS Trace for Identity Manager .)

Usually an error message will appear to enlighten you.

My guess is either Require TLS to be enabled and you might not have a successful SSL bind.

If so, try connecting to port 636 with SSL enabled and a fully assigned DN for the user you are trying to log on to.

If you are trying to enable SSL and you do not get a pop-up to accept a trusted root root file with a CA tree certificate, then perhaps the CA or SSL certificate, if the eDirectory server is a user, has expired or is broken. (There are several reasons for this, which can be common and take some time to fix).

Usually in Dstrace you will see an error about SSL certificate if there is a problem. An example from a Novell Identity Manager perspective of an expired certificate is provided in this article: Certificate Expired As well as some information on how to fix certificates,

The next possibility is that the DN you specify is not entirely correct.

In terms of error 81, here are a few links to how AD will show the error 81 case to get a feel for the possibilities (mostly SSL related). AD SSL via IDM driver

Let me know if you need more help.



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