Variable (dynamic) OPTION lists in HTML SELECT using IE
I am trying to implement a dynamic OPTION list in JavaScript. Depending on the other options in the web form, some of the OPTIONS in a particular SELECT are not valid. The things I've tried that don't work in IE are as follows:
- fill in all parameters, then set disabled property to invalid ones
- fill in all parameters and use parameter groups, then disable invalid parameter groups.
- I even tried using the text-decoration: line-through style
At this point, I resigned myself to re-filling the SELECT with only valid OPTIONS, but it seems like there should be a better way that actually works in IE. I need IE6 and up compatibility. How did you deal with this?
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IE does not support the disabled attribute in parameters , and even worse, IE does not support events in parameters , but the capabilities
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Unfortunately, it just won't work in IE, it was several times when he caressed his face several times over this. gave up, just enter only valid options.
Find it: ,
and this: disable-options-in-a-multiple-select-javascript-for-ie /
haven't tried it yet, but might do the job for you.
Don't know if they fix it in IE 8.
In this case, select the really broken ...
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