WAS hung streams
[11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 772 GMT + 05: 30] 690f5641 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0606W: Reportedly the message "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2162" (690f5641) was logged but terminated. It was active for approximately 1,032,152 milliseconds. There are only 21 threads on the server that can still be hung. [11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 775 GMT + 05: 30] 73f09641 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0606W: The message "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2149" (73f09641) was previously reported to have been suspended but completed. It was active for approximately 1,139,386 milliseconds. There are 17 threads in total on the server that can still be hung. [11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 775 GMT + 05: 30] 696c9641 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0606W: "Reported that" Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2144 "(696c9641) was hung, but terminated.It was active for approximately 1,139,374 milliseconds. There are only 18 threads on the server in total, which can still be hung. [11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 828 GMT + 05: 30] 4e961648 SystemOut O actionIDs.size () = 0 [11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 774 GMT + 05: 30] 690b5641 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0606W: The message "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2163" (690b5641) was previously reported to have been paused but terminated. It was active for approximately 993,865 milliseconds. There are only 20 threads on the server that can still be hung. [11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 840 GMT + 05: 30] 4e961648 SystemOut O INTRODUCTION TO THE EMPTY TOPIC BY DEFAULT. JSP [11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 775 GMT + 05: 30] fd71646 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0606W: The message "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2155" (fd71646) previously reported that it was paused but ended.It was active for approximately 1,139,386 milliseconds. In total, there are only 19 threads on the server that can still be hung. [11/18/08 10: 13: 08: 951 GMT + 05: 30] 4e961648 WebGroup i SRVE0180I: [WebSphere Portal Server] [/ wps] [Servlet.LOG]: / screens / html / Login.jsp: init [ 11/18/08 10: 13: 09: 100 GMT + 05: 30] 4e961648 SystemOut O EXIT CORPORATE DEFAULT. JSP [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 445 GMT + 05: 30] 7f025647 TimeoutManage i WTRN0006W: Transaction 57415344: 000000000000302d00000003abdd0ab33759ecaaaf88a04568d6b035df3281225765625f16506657655 seconds expires in 120 [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 444 GMT + 05: 30] 7f325647 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2178" (40535641) is active for 833,039 milliseconds and can be seen. In total, there are 18 threads on the server that you can hang up.[11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 479 GMT + 05: 30] 7f325647 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2192" (72769641) is active for 833,040 milliseconds and may be hung. In total, there are 19 threads on the server that you can hang up. [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 484 GMT + 05: 30] 7f025647 TimeoutManage i WTRN0006W: Transaction 57415344: 000000000000303000000003abdd0ab33759ecaaaf88a04568d6b035df3281225765625370686576527f506c expires in 12016c [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 485 GMT + 05: 30] 7f025647 TimeoutManage I WTRN0006W: Transaction 57415344: 000000000000303200000003abdd0ab33759ecaaaf88a04568d6b035df328122576562537068f726527f506 seconds has 120 seconds [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 485 GMT + 05: 30] 238e564c TimeoutManage i WTRN0006W: Transaction 57415344:000000000000303100000003abdd0ab33759ecaaaf88a04568d6b035df3281225765625370686572655f506f7274616c [] expires after 120 seconds. [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 495 GMT + 05: 30] 7f325647 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2195" (724a9641) has been active for 833,038 milliseconds and may be hung. In total, there are 20 threads on the server that you can hang up. [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 498 GMT + 05: 30] 7f325647 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2153" (fdf1646) has been active for 833,070 milliseconds and may be hung. In total, there are 21 threads on the server that can be hung up. [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 504 GMT + 05: 30] 7f325647 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2193" (72729641) was active for 833,039 milliseconds and may be hung.There are 22 streams on the server that you can hang up. [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 514 GMT + 05: 30] 7f325647 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "Servlet.Engine.Transports: 2196" (72469641) was active for 833,039 milliseconds and may be hung. In total, there are 23 threads on the server that can be hung up. [11/18/08 10: 14: 58: 517 GMT + 05: 30] 7f325647 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "Ser ...
My WAS server is very slow and freezes .. and I need to reboot.
Anyone can help me!
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There is a similar question: WAS threads hung up
The main idea is to avoid hanging threads. Tune a stream dump and then analyze why the stream is defined. Typical reasons for dangling threads are unsolicited connection attempts, infinte loops, or just a piece of your code that actually takes a very long time to run (like poorly written watchdogs or something).
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