Set the application name in the Applications tab of the Task Manager

I have a WinForms application written in C # for .NET 3.5 that needs to display a specific name in the Task Manager tab. However, I need this text to be distinct from the form text.

The behavior I have seen so far is that the Application Manager tab will display the value of the Text property displayed by System.Windows.Forms.Form. However, I would like to show the long name of the application in the Form.Text property and use the short name in the Task Manager tab.

I know this behavior was supported in VB6, where the Application Title field (Set through Project Properties -> Make tab -> Application Title or in the .VBP file itself) would be the name displayed in the Applications tab. Is there a way to replicate this functionality in C # /. NET?

This bit of information from MSDN seems to indicate that the Text property is the only source in .NET: App Object for Visual Basic 6.0 users . However, I would like to know if there is a way around this.


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1 answer

VB6.0 applications use a hidden "parking window" as the true main application window. Thus, the name of the task manager is different from the name of the main window. In .Net applications, the main window is the true main window of the application.

You can replicate the behavior by launching a hidden form that invokes your displayable form, but I don't recommend it as you risk turning your application into a state that has no visible interface but the process is still running.



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