Set the name of the task manager file

Possible duplicate:
Set the application name in the Application for Task Managers application

It seems that we can use a different name for some application in the task manager.

How do I do this for a WPF application?

i.e. The Visual Studio exe file is "devenv.exe" and you can see it in the Task Manager, for example, "Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (32 bit)"



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3 answers

It's easy to do. The Task Manager reads it from a file version resource, an unmanaged resource built into a program. The .NET equivalent is the FileVersionInfo.FileDescription property.

Unmanaged resources are embedded by the C # compiler with the / win 32res compile option. There must be at least 3 of these in a C # program, version information, manifest declaring it UAC and icon compliant. If you don't specify it yourself, then the IDE will automatically generate this. It uses the [assembly:] attributes specified in AssemblyInfo.cs, in which case the [AssemblyTitle] attribute is set.

The easiest way to install it is with Project + Properties, Compile tab, Build info button, Title field.



Ok. I found him.

This is the Title field in the Assembly Information section.



Assuming you are using visual studio, I believe its Project> Properties> Application> Assembly name



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