Iterating through an anonymous variable in a different scope than where it was created.

I am writing a unit test for an mvc web app that checks that the returned list of anonymous variables (in jsonresult) is correct. so I need to iterate over this list, but I can't find a way to do it.

so I have 2 methods

1) returns json result. This json result has a property called data. this property has an object of type, but inside it there is a list of anonymous variables

2) the method calls method 1 and checks if the returned jsonresult is satisfied.

if i run the test and i break the debugger i can hover over the result and see the items in it. I just don't find a way to do it in code. (just using foreach is not possible because at the point I need I am not in the method that created the anonymous method)


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3 answers

I think you mean "anonymous type" wherever you say "anonymous variable", but you can still foreach

iterate over the list with by simply declaring the iteration variable as a type object


foreach (object o in myList)
    // Not sure what you're actually trying to do in here...


If you need to validate the content, you can use the fact that anonymous types are overridden in a ToString

useful way. Your test can check the result of projecting each item onto a line. Indeed, you can easily convert your result object to a sequence of strings:

var strings = ((IEnumerable) result).Cast<object>.Select(x => x.ToString());


Then check strings

, perhaps using SequenceEqual




Create an identical set of objects with what you expect, then serialize both that and the result. Information about the action in the unit test. Finally, compare the streams to make sure they are identical.



ok i found this thanks for part of your solution :) apparently i can convert it to IEnumerable and then i can iterate through the results. THH!

    var objects= ((IEnumerable)result.Data);
    foreach (object obj in objects)
       //inhere i can use reflection to get the properties out of it




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