Best .NET library for trees

What's the best .NET library (commercial or open source) that implements a non-bin tree and associated operations? Requirements - dynamically insert and delete nodes, copy / paste nodes, find information similar to nodes, copy / paste folders and their children from one area of ​​the tree to another. The tree is at the level of business logic. The presentation layer is WPF. The implementation language is C #.


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4 answers

I would say LINQ to XML , no doubt about it.

XDocument doc = new XDocument(
    new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "true"),
    new XComment("Comment"),
    new XElement("Employees",
        new XElement("RootElement",
            new XElement("Employee",
                new XAttribute("id", "123"),
                new XElement("name", "John"),
                new XCData("CData")))));

// Selection multiple nodes
var allEmployees = xdoc.Root.Elements("Employees");
// Select single node
var employeeJohn = from node in xdoc.Root.Descendants().Elements("Employees").Elements("Employee")
                   where node.Attribute("id").Value == "123"
                   select node;

// Insert node
XElement newNode = new XElement("NewNode", "Node content");

// Delete node




I would use:

class MyTreeNode : List<MyTreeNode>
    // declare per-node properties here, e.g.
    public string Name { get; set; }


Building and rearranging the tree is pretty straightforward:

MyTreeNode root = new MyTreeNode {Name = "root"};

MyTreeNode firstChild = new MyTreeNode {Name = "1"};

MyTreeNode secondChild = new MyTreeNode { Name = "2" };





You can have a look at QuickGraph at codeplex.



Trees are so easy to write and the specific requirements are relatively different that I'm not sure a "tree library" would be very useful. Why don't you write your own?



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