DOM problem in Safari with buttons

I was wondering if anyone has seen this question before.

I have two buttons on a web page. When I navigate away from the page and press the back button to revert the value of one button to the value of the other.


<input class="SmallData" type="submit" id="logButton" value="Log In" tabindex="93"></input>

<input class="btn" type="submit" id="acBtn" value="Detailed Quote"></input>


When I return to the page Detailed proposal replaces Login, eg.

<input class="SmallData" type="submit" id="logButton" value="Detailed Quote" tabindex="93"></input>


JavaScript doesn't have JavaScript to make this happen. I look at the source, everything looks ok, but I check the DOM, I see there is a different value.

Is there something about how the web kiosk handles the dom that gets corrupted when using the back button?



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3 answers

Try giving each input element a name = "some_unique_name" attribute - see if that helps Safari differentiate.



Perhaps due to the presence of two submit buttons ...?

Just my "random" suggestion though ... :)



Check if the same thing happens in Chrome (if you have access to a Windows window) to see if this is a WebKit or Safari issue.



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