Base64 string compression

I have an ActiveX control that receives an image from a fingerprint device as a base64 string. The asset works fine and I can feed the returned base64 string to the server, which will be converted to binary data and then stored in the database. I am using ASP.NET as a server side technology and JavaScript as a client side technology. The problem is that base64 string is a tool large and it will take 30 to 40 seconds to transfer the string to the server. My question is, is there a way to compress this base64 string on the client (Browser) and collapse it back on the server.


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3 answers

If the base64 image is indeed jpeg or some other compressed image format, I would not expect you to be able to get a lot of extra compression out of it. You will also need to develop a way to send the binary compressed data subsequently in a portable manner, which can be tricky. (You can pretend to be a file or something.)

How big is this image? 30 seconds is a very long time ...



on my Linux system, using the bzip2 utility (which uses a burrow-wheel conversion and then compresses), I reduce the Base64 encoded jpg from 259.6KB to 194.5KB.

Using gzip (which uses some variety's LZ algorithm) I reduce it to 194.4KB.

So, yes, you can compress it. the question is why do you want? It seems that your problems really lie elsewhere.



Base64 is a format that is usually only used to define the technical limitations of sending binary data. For example, a base64 string can be used in a GET request, for example, "".

You have two options:

Figure out how to send / receive binary data in a POST request and then send the data in a different form and convert it to the server accordingly. -OR- Since it is a fingerprint device, I am assuming you are using it as a password, so you do not need to send raw fingerprint data every time. Just make a SHA-1 hash and compare it to the stored hash on the server. It's just as safe and takes a split second from you.

Hope I helped!



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