WPF: StackPanel article autoinstall question

I have a Stackpanel and want the elements to auto-size themselves in relation to their content, but the elements should not automatically fill the height of the Stackpanel (but the Stackpanel should be auto-sized to match the largest element). I also tried WrapPanel which has the same problem.

I want the TextBox "test" to be vertically centered and auto-fit based on its text.

                    <TextBox Name="test" VerticalContentAlignment="Center">test</TextBox>

                    <StackPanel  Name="ParameterList" Orientation="Vertical">

                            <TextBox Name="ParamComment" Foreground="Gray">no comment..</TextBox>

                            <TextBox Name="ParamComment2" Foreground="Gray">no comment..</TextBox>



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1 answer

do you mean this?



try this:

    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
  <TextBox VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="test"/>
  <StackPanel Grid.Column="1">
    <TextBox Text="stackpanelitem"/>
    <!-- other items -->




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