How to use Linq to set counter based attributes

Let's say I have an XML document similar to this

<bar id="9" />
<bar id="4" />
<bar id="3" />


I would like to use linq to reset the id to 0, 1, 2. What would be the easiest way to do this?



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2 answers

XElement xml = GetXml();
var i = 0;
foreach (var e in xml.Elements("bar"))
  e.SetAttributeValue("id", i++);




You can do it with linq methods, not foreach, but there is not much for buck:

XElement xml = GetXml();
int updatedElements = xml.Elements("bar")
    .Select((x, i) =>
        x.SetAttributeValue("id", i);
        return x;


Here the Count () method is needed to enumerate the request. Anything the request lists will do.

If using Select as mutator bothers you (as I did), use List (T) .ForEach instead:

XElement xml = GetXml();
    .Select( (x, i) => new {x, i})
    .ForEach(a => a.x.SetAttributeValue("id", a.i));




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