Is filter_var enough to sanitize integer input for PHP based MySQL queries?

I never liked to wrap



Function around input I expect to be an integer to include in a MySQL query. I recently came across



function. Nice!

I am currently using the code:

if (isset($idUserIN) 
    && filter_var($idUserIN, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) 
    && 0 < filter_var($idUserIN, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)
    ) {
      $idUser = filter_var($idUserIN, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
      $sql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE idUser = '.$idUser;
} else {
  // handle invalid data


Are the holes left to open?

('> 0' instead of '> = 0' as the auto_increment field of the table, so 0 won't be a normal value)


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3 answers

I will create a function for this task myself, maybe somewhere in a static class,

public static function escape_int($i) {
    $sanitised = intval($i); 
    if( '_' . $sanitised . '_' === '_' . $i . '_'  && $sanitised > 0 ) {
        return $sanitised;
    throw new IntegerEscapeException( $i, $sanitised );
    return "ENOINT"; # Wont Run This, but I prepare for the impossible. 

try { 
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE idUser = ' . DB::escape_int( $userid ); 
} catch( IntegerEscapeException $e ) { 
    die ( "You shot the sherif!" ); # bad example.


This is good because if I find that my sanitation method stinks, I can fix it later.



Much simpler and easier to read the method I'm using:

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE idUser = ' . intval($idUser);


It tries to convert $ idUser to integer and on unsuccessful return 0 which none of my tables have as valid id. (So ​​I know the input was invalid if it evaluated the value 0.)

To answer your real question, no that leaves no holes open. I suggest getting rid of the duplicate code:

$idUserIN_filtered = filter_var($idUserIN, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);

if (isset($idUserIN) 
    && $idUserIN_filtered 
    && 0 < $idUserIN_filtered
    ) {
      $sql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE idUser = '.$idUser_filtered;
} else {
  // handle invalid data




That's all you need

if ($idUser = filter_var($idUserIN, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
      $sql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE idUser = '.$idUser;
} else {
  // handle invalid data



if ($idUser = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'userId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {


Also, you can check if it is invalid in MVC.

if (!$idUser = filter_var($idUserIN, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
      throw new InputParameterException('UserId');
//else its valid




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