String.insert in C # doesn't overwrite?

string.insert in C # doesn't overwrite the character that is in startindex?


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6 answers

For example, the return value is "abc" .Insert (2, "XYZ") is "abXYZc".

So no.



Insert only adds. Replace changes.

Edit . As others have pointed out, strings are valid immutable, so both methods will return a copy of the original string. However, the semantics of the operations are the same as above.



Not. Strings are immutable. string.Insert returns a new string with the inserted value. It doesn't change the old line.

string newString = oldString.Insert(3, "foo);


oldString does not change. But "foo" is now in newString.



Strings in C # are immutable. They cannot be changed except by reflection or unsafe code (and you should never do that).

All methods on the line that "change" instead return a new line with the appropriate changes.

Since insertion puts one string on top of another, the result of inserting a string s1

into a string s2

will contain the string length s1.Lnegth + s2.Length

, no characters will be lost.



Not. It just tells you where to insert the symbol, so if you had the following

string x = "ello".Insert(0, "h");


the line will actually read "hello".



No, definitely not.

But it is best to use StringBuilder instead of immutable strings if you are making changes to the string in flight.

Here's a good overview.



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