Looking for a simple editor that allows you to visually edit hex color values

I am editing a CSS stylesheet in Eclipse and I constantly have to copy for example. # FF9C21 into an HTML page to see what color it is.

What's the best CSS editor (or Eclipse plugin) that will allow me to:

  • hover over # FF9C21 to see a small square of that color
  • right click on # FF9C21 to select a new color from the visual color selector

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4 answers

Not sure if the colorpicker is right for you.



Have you tried Aptana?


You can also install Aptana as an Eclipse plugin:




I know firebug allows you to hover over CSS color definitions and see what they are. Perhaps there is a mozilla plugin in there somewhere. Alternatively, you can use paint and switch to rgb(red,green,blue)




the color picker in the firefox colorzilla plugin works really well if you don't need to be super precise. as a bonus u can highlight colors from web pages



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