How can I get the outer text in the subject line?

I have an xml webservice that I use at work to make a request. This request, an XML document, includes information such as recipients, subject, body, etc. (In the form of a newsletter).

I have an ASP.NET form to enter the above information to form an Xml document, and I can enter foreign characters (non-latin - Japanese, Chinese, Russian, etc.).

If I go through my code, then the foreign characters are displayed in order. The xml is utf-8 encoded and loads strings into the attributes of my XML document so I don't need to do anything at the encoded string level.

I am on webmail due to an unrelated technical question, but my boss has Outlook 2007 Pro and I do not have a text string email with foreign text. However, if the xml is submitted manually via an internal test harness, as opposed to the .NET (OOP) way / methods, etc., it will work. So, there is .NET somewhere.

Any ideas?


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2 answers

Sorry I am confused by some of the details in your question, where everything works and where things don't work.

Here are some ideas to experiment with: In Outlook, experiment with More Actions, Encoding. Maybe your boss Outlook is not recognizing the encoding.

In Outlook, go to the Options section and then look what's in Internet Headers. The subject should be encoded as described here: how to determine if a string is base64 or not

If it isn't, your problem is upstream.



Try adding these lines to your ASP.NET site web.config file (under system.web):





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