Windows domain failed login sql2005

My company is changing domain from abc to xyz and now I cannot login to my local sql2005 via windows registration and sql login.

both inputs gave me this error: There was an error establishing a connection to the server. blah blah blah ... Sql server does not allow remote connection. Error: 26 - Failed to locate the server / instance.

i verifies that the server instance is running. I can figure out that Windows login is not working but how can fail in sql? does anyone know how to fix this?


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2 answers

It's weird, but I found a solution. I select the database I want to connect to is the same instance on the login screen and then using sql authentication. I was able to login. It turns out my workstation has been renamed. why it can't find the server instance.



What server name are you using? If you are using anything else (local), localhost or. - then you probably need to change the server to NEWDOMAIN \ HOSTNAME or



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