Aerial Application Built with Flex - How to Create a Departure Window Left / Right

I have an Air app with a main window. I would like a new window to fly out from the side of the main window when the user clicks a button in the main window. In the window that appears, you need to display information based on the value passed from the main form. How can I achieve this with Flex Builder 3?

Target Platform: Any Flash / Flex / Air version.


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2 answers

You probably want to use view states. Check out the Flex Tutorial for one week under "Create View States":



What you want to do is what tweenMax was created for. this is the .swc that you add to your project. This will allow you to use the tweenLite (or tweenMax) command.

import com.greensock.*;, 1, {x:65, y:117});


So, you would say if your scene was 500px wide and you want the box to appear on the right. Add a child, maybe 505 and then whatever x value you want. Yeah. it's easy. And the other options are for duration and fade and even alpha, so you have control over that. They even have a swf on their site for you to play with and practice with.



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