Checking website compatibility with IE7

I would like to see how my site renders in IE7. Unfortunately I have IE8 installed on my computer and I don't know how to upgrade to IE7. I've considered using the IE tab of the Firefox plugin, but the reviews seem to be rather mixed and I'm not sure how accurately it emulates IE7.


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I would use a virtual machine with Internet Explorer 7.

You can download the image from Microsoft for free which has Windows XP installed etc.



We are using an ietester which allows testing in all versions of IE and seems to be pretty accurate.



you can use

 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />


Do Rollback IE8 to IE7 Render Mode .



I've had luck with Xenocode . I wrote about this: Xenocode and several IEs .



You can use developer tools (F12) to switch browser mode to IE7.



Does IE 8 have an option called compatibility view next to the refresh button that mimics what IE 7 looks like.

I personally, since I am a Mac user and I hate getting into my virtual machine, just to check something real quickly, I always use this Internet Explorer Net Renderer .



Here's a free tool from Microsoft that lets you do IE 6, IE 7 and IE 8 in a very handy comparison: = en



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