How to load viewController from nib file

I have a Tab bar base project (along with navigation controls), inside a specific tab there is a tableViewLoaded, when I click on the table rows, they open another view, i.e. it pushes another controller, I have a view controller in MainWindow.nib for this views also with some elements like button labels, but if I click on it it doesn't display anything other than just a blank page, can anyone help me on this.


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1 answer

Typically, you should use one view control file for each file; it makes things a lot easier. A few things to check:

  • Whether your view controller object has been created (set a breakpoint in init, loadView, or viewDidLoad).
  • Your view is displayed (set a breakpoint on your view WillAppear: or viewDidAppear: methods)
  • Is your gaze plugged in correctly (make sure the socket in the IB is plugged in correctly, this is a common mistake).

If your question is actually how to load a nib file that is paired with a UIViewController subclass, take a look at the UIViewController -initWithNibName: bundle: and -loadView methods.



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