Calculate map routes on Android

I am trying to calculate a route based on either geographic location or address. I realized that the obvious way would be to use part of the built-in Google Maps package, but this turned out to be more complicated than intended. There used to be a package called

, but version 1.0 of the Android SDK has disappeared from it.

I know Google Maps has an open JavaScript API, but since the app is developed for Android (in Java) and I would like to have a standalone alternative, are there any other library packages, built in or third party, that I can use to achieve this?


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1 answer

If I understand correctly, you need a Java library that looks for routes (not a standalone solution).

You can try Java API for CloudMade Services:

CloudMade provides services based on OpenStreetMap data, therefore may differ from Google Maps output. However, OpenStreetMap is growing and can now compete with GMaps in many European countries.



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