Sound disappears in Flash 9 in non-IE browsers

I am working on a site ( ) with about 10 SWF flashes on each page. Each of the SWFs plays a sound when clicked. Loading sound and playing it without latency works great, but in Flash Player version 9 in all major browsers except IE, the sound suddenly drops out. It usually works for the first 10-20 clicks, then the SWF will be completely silenced until the next machine / browser restart.

In Flash Player v10 (exactly the same code) it works fine. It also works great in Flash Player v9 in Internet Explorer.

Any ideas?

Would love to hear some brainstorming on how to get around this issue, as I am starting to suspect there is no easy solution I can do in code.

By the way, the site has over 1000 sounds in MP3, so any solution cannot include embedding sounds.


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2 answers

Sounds like loading sound is causing your problem. Assuming Flash is downloading files from the same URL, IE browsers may not be able to handle multiple requests for the same mp3 file in the same browser session.

You can try changing the url of the loading object in your as3 code to a unique url even if the same file is loaded so that on every new request the browser will treat it as a new file and won't let you down.



I don't know what your code looks like, but usually the cases where something works and then stops working after a few iterations means that you are not clearing objects from memory when they are not needed. So just make sure you remove unused object event listeners by deleting the objects and then setting them to zero.




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